Congratulations on getting through the first step of your drug addiction recovery. Most people think detox is the foremost stage in beating drug dependence. However, the action that sets off the entire treatment process is deciding to get clean. It takes profound self-awareness to come to terms with your self-deprecating habits. But you’ll need even…

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Recognizing your addiction is critical to your recovery. Also, choosing to embark on recovery requires bravery. Additionally, it would help if you undergo medically supervised detox to gain the total dividends of recovery, Detoxification can lead to a variety of side effects known as withdrawal symptoms. And these side effects manifest when you cease or…

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Drug detox is emptying the body of alcohol and drugs you have taken over time. Drug detox can be a tedious and challenging journey that requires time, effort, energy and willpower. There are four main stages of drug detox, and these stages require adaptation time. During the detox process, the body undergoes severe withdrawal symptoms…

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People are always quick to point out the side effects of drug abuse. Several posts go on and on about the dangers accompanying continuous indiscriminate drug consumption. Eventually, they suggest some recovery regime or detox process as the way out. However, very few care to discuss these detox treatments in detail. Even fewer ever explain…

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