Recovery from alcohol abuse can be a long and challenging journey. However, it’s not the end of the road. Aftercare strategies are crucial to maintaining sobriety and ensuring long-term success. Aftercare refers to the support and services you can receive after completing treatment for substance abuse. Are you starting an alcohol detox program, or have…
Drug abuse can quickly become dependence. At this point, your drug or alcohol habit will quickly start to take a toll on your life — finances, physical and mental health. The impact of drug dependence also extends to your relationship with friends, family and loved ones. Pretty soon, you’ll start to place the pursuit for…
If you’re reading this, you’re over the first hump toward addiction recovery — deciding to get help. Now it’s time to pick a professional addiction recovery team to help you through the journey. But if you’re still skeptical about letting others know of your alcohol addiction problem, remember you’re not alone in your addiction. Health Canada discovered…
Opiates are highly dangerous and addictive substances. The Canadian Alcohol and Drugs Survey result showed that 1% of Canadians 15 years and older engage in problematic use of opioids. Interestingly, many of them don’t like or want to continue it. Fortunately, anyone can overcome their opiate addiction. It all depends on the recovery methods they…